Hey all! Sorry it's been a while...I've written drafts, then deleted drafts, then done it all over again. I get a little freaked out about what I write after my step-mom asked me to elaborate on my "You Bet Your Ass I'm Triggered" post. So I've been picky on my subjects. Anyhoo...onto today's post. DON'T GIVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO STRANGERS!!! Specifically, if you're a woman, don't give your phone number to strange men. I made this mistake a couple of weeks ago. There's this guy that I've seen around for years. I've always wondered about what kind of guy he is, and admittedly, I thought he was pretty cute. So, a couple of weeks ago, I saw him out and about and worked up the nerve to finally talk to him. We exchanged pleasantries, and before we parted ways, I gave him my number in hopes that maybe he'd ask me on a date or something. I didn't hear from him for a few days and just shrugged it off...but hey, at leas...